Monday, 16 March 2015

First Quilt (proper) part 8


Yes its actually finished.  I finished yesterday (Sunday 15 March).

To be honest I had been putting off the binding as I just couldn't get my head around the mitering aspect.  I have watched video after video and even tried it out on the sample mug mats but even then, the corners didn't look right.

The weekend was going to bad anyway as it was the anniversary of losing my mum and Mother's day so it was going to be a toughee!  However, there was also two hockey matches on - one Saturday, one Sunday - so I decided to bite the bullet and use them to my 'advantage', take my mind off my troubles and just do it.

I made the binding on Saturday.  I cut 3" strips which I then folded in half and then folded the edges into the middle making one side a little wider than the other (tip from one of my videos).  You will know - from previous blogs - that my maths isn't that hot (72 squares etc etc....!) so I didn't bother measuring the entire outside of my quilt to make sufficient binding, I winged it.

The binding was placed to one side and I again trawled the net for alternative methods for finishing my quilt along with any other binding 'how tos' just in case.

Sunday came around and I set my stall out......  computer loaded with Miss Marple stories on CD, angle poise light correct positioned, Lucy freshly oiled and loaded with a full shuttle bobbin and three spare (just in case) and the obligatory pint of coffee.

I set off pinning the binding to the back-side of the quilt but then realised that I didn't need to do this as the raw edge of the binding ran along the edge of the quilt.  This saved time and fingers being pricked.  Lucy 'chomped' through all the layers and the stitching was just right.  I followed the instructions for the mitred corners and was pretty pleased with the back.

When I reached the beginning of the binding (the other end) I trimmed off the excess - like I said, maths not my thing - there's loads of binding left!! - and managed to make quite a neat little join.

The problem started when I got to the first corner on the top side.  There was far too much binding!  I couldn't understand what had gone wrong.  I had followed all instructions even to the point of slowing the video and practically going frame by frame so I didn't make a hash out of it.   Pointless!!

Anyhoo, after quite a lot of folding in and folding in again, I managed to get them something like but not even close to a mitre.  They are neat (I think) and tucked in, not ruckled or anything but not what I wanted.

Needless to say, my first quilt is done!  This is the view of the back and closer view of the stitching in the ditch .....
 IF I ever decide to try another one, I will find a pattern a lot easier to do and chose something other than denim to make it out of.  Mind you, for now, I'm gonna quit whilst I am ahead and get back to some 'quicker, easier result' projects and I already have a list!

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