Friday 7 January 2022

Christmas Covid Chaos

 Well, long time no see......  I have had a few problems accessing my blog recently and through the blogger forum I made a new friend,, I hope, though I suspect she never wants to hear from me again as I believe I caused her a few headaches, lol.  What an absolute star she was and I am indebted to her.  Not being technically minded I was ready for having to let this blog page go and to start over.  Thankfully, I don't have to do that and I am now back on board with new projects and stories to share.

So anyway, occasionally I get hit with what I would describe as a 'tag line'.  This can be an idea, sentence, story, and they behave like an ear worm and keep going around in my head until I finish whatever the poem/story is.  Recently I was hit by a "tag line frenzy" where I got 'hit' by 2 lines.   I knew that they were 2 different poems as the meter for each line was different.   As I had also been struck by Covid and found myself having to do 10 days isolation where I was not able to get out of my bedroom, I wrote the poem below and another which was given to my dog walking mate as a Christmas 'treat'.  Hope this one makes you smile......

Christmas Covid Chaos

It’s a good thing for you I’m not poorly
Cos you lot would be in a mess.
It’s a wonder that I haven’t died yet
From the arguments, swearing, and stress 

This damn Covid bug has knocked me for six
I’m sitting upstairs isolating
With headache, and sneezes and shivers, a cough,
I’m bored, and the TV’s frustrating. 

Christmas was meant to be better than this
I didn’t expect to get ill
You weren’t banking on me not being around
Now I haven’t the time or the will. 

I thought that you would have taken the time
To find out and learn how things work
Where to dust, what to use, how to do it and then
The cleaning you wunt need to shirk 

I don’t want to moan or to lecture,
I really don’t want to get mad
But looking around this place we call home
It’s honestly making me sad 

The pots in the sink have gone mouldy
The light on the washer dun’t flash
The clothes in the drum, are all covered in scrum
The sky box says “Wait – there’s a clash”! 

The cushions and throws on the sofa
Are faded and covered in hairs                       
The carpets and rugs
Are muddy, there’s bugs
In the curtains, the flowers, the chairs 

The TV remote has gone missing
Its batteries dead, like the plant.
The goldfish is floating on top of the tank
(This is starting to sound like a rant) 

The hoover is full of goodness knows what
That came from the bedrooms upstairs
The toilet is making this gurgling noise
(Not sure what it is, but I’m scared) 

The kitchen bin sits in the corner
Silently being ignored
Whilst wrappers and boxes
And leftover food
Make mountains of mess on the floor

The loo roll is empty, the basin is full
Of shaving foam, whiskers, and spit
My blood pressure’s high, my dander is up
I’m losing my mind, I’ll admit 

There’s a smell in the air,
I’m not sure what it is
But I def’nitely know it’s ‘not good’
It’s a smell, not a whiff, not a stink or a pong
But the house doesn’t smell like it should

 So do me a favour and clean up, guys, please?       
Open the windows and doors
Let in the fresh air and rid it of bugs
Wash the door handles and floors.
Take out the rubbish and sweep up the dirt
Straighten the cards on the side
Polish the windows and tidy the rooms
Just do it and do it with pride.

It won’t be for long, this illness, I’m sure
We’ll celebrate soon as I’m well 
But frankly I’d rather be upstairs, near death
Than downstairs. Thank God! I can’t smell!!!

December 2021


  1. Hello Janice, it was my pleasure to help you get your blog back. It must be so frustrating to not be able to log in and write again. Being the fairy blog mother, I try my best to help Bloggers. Have fun blogging again, starting with this new year. Cheers!

    1. I had forgotten to add how sorry I am you got Covid. I wish they would get a cure for it all. So many are sick and some we have lost. Take care.
