Wednesday, 3 June 2015

You're having a giraffe!!!!

Well, this week I decided that I wanted to try another soft toy and came across a pattern for this giraffe - cutie-pie!

I sifted through my 'hoards' of fabric and found a couple of combinations that I thought would look ok and set about cutting out the pattern and the bits of material.  Wanting this to be as good as I possibly could with the 'trial' run, I took my time and spent one night tracing and cutting.  Due to the material type, I used my trusty pinking shears and decided that I would the use the electric machine.

As with previous projects, the first attempt is the trial run where, if I come across any problems, I make a note on the pattern for the second - hopefully better - run.  I started around 8.30pm - hubby fast asleep on the couch snoring so tv was out and it was too early to go to bed!  I finished it around 12.45 and just went to bed.

When I got up this morning I turned the giraffe the right way around and groaned.

I have obviously slipped up when I was sewing the two leg parts together as poor old Gerry has extra bits in between both his front and back legs.  Think I am going to have to practice this part of the project a few more times before doing the 'proper' one.  I am also thinking of cutting the pattern a little bigger - can't have a giraffe smaller than an elephant!! lol

Watch this space.  :0)

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