Monday 8 May 2017

Bob the Tank Bear ?

I was asked to make a teddy for the grandson of Psycho Ted's ' (PT)dad as the grandson, Daniel, liked PT but was a little scared of him.  I was given a list of requirements - white, soft, blue eyes, pink 'highlights' and a theme of Bob the Builder or Thomas the Tank Engine. Brain overload! So I waited a few days for the ideas to slow down long enough to catch one and then set to work.

I had a large white 'fluffy' dressing gown in my fabric stash which I had wanted to make a sheep from - don't ask - as the fabric was just right and realised that the softness of the fabric and colour would be just right for this project. PT's pattern was used but I cut out the fabric slightly larger than the pattern as I didn't know if it would fray and as I didn't want this to happen - who does?! - I made the seam allowance larger.

I had settled on the Bob the Builder theme as there seemed to be more scope for making accessories and I decided to place the ears a little wider apart as I was hoping to add a yellow hard hat.  I also drew up a sketch for a tool belt and some tools to put in the belt.

The fabric sewed like a dream, no problem and the bear was made quite quickly.  He spent the next two weeks on the end of my desk whilst I worked on the accessories.

The belt was an easy do and the felt worked really well.  I added some velcro onto the ends so the tools could be taken off if needed.

The tools were a little more complicated inasmuch as my fingers are quite thick and don't do well at 'delicate' stitching.  However I managed to cut out a hammer, wrench and a screwdriver.

The fabrics were an absolute pain due to fraying but I worked out that if I used a small amount of fabric glue on the edges, it sealed the threads and allowed me to sew the seams a little better.  It was faffy though! lol

I was really pleased with the bear and the accessories but the hard hat was giving me nightmares.  I had already made a bonnet for Boner Bear so knew that I would need a larger sheet of felt, diluted fabric glue and a whole bag of patience!

The first modelling went alright (left) but there were far too many creases and I couldn't work out how to get rid of them.  I tried again, wetting and re-shaping the felt around a different item but unfortunately the felt dried too quickly and I wasn't able to ease the creases out before it dried.
Not wanting to stress out the felt any further, I am ashamed to admit it but I threw in the towel and had to present the bear without the hat..

I am pleased to say that Daniel likes the bear and has christened him Freddie Fix It.

Another satisfied customer but I am still frustrated about the hat!


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