Friday, 3 October 2014

Christmas Stars

Allpeoplequilt came up trumps again with this pattern for Christmas decorations.  

I had already made some stockings and so wanted a different Christmas project and whilst I was looking around I cam across this pattern for tree ornaments.  (

This was a little fiddly especially on the points but my hand crank machine came into its own here has  the pattern was so fiddly, I was able to control the needle to almost snail speed to ensure that my seams were straight and equidistant.  Even though the points are asymmetrical this was part of the charm of the pattern and I didn't want to lose any of that in the finish.

I embellished my star with a disc and initial.  The letters were free drawn onto double sided fusible interfacing (I am sure there is a shorter name for this but I can't remember what it is.  I know use freezer paper now but I didn't know about this wonderful product at this time) and then ironed onto my contrast material.  Although the initials were stuck onto the disc, I spent time sewing around the edge to be doubly sure they would stay on. This also made more of a 'feature' of it.

I forgot to add the loop to the star on the right and the star on the desk top is still only half made - they may get done for this year - depends on whether I get a new pattern to try between then and now..........

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