Friday, 3 October 2014

Stash Basket

When I am sewing (or doing anything if I am completely honest) I like to be in control of my environment.  So much so that I can be working in what looks to be a complete disaster zone but whilst I am in 'the zone' I don't see the mess chaos creative milieu around me until the last thread has been knotted.  I then take a breath, have a coronary and when I come round, start to tidy up. 

During one of my quieter, less frenzied projects, I realised that I needed to organise myself better so that scraps were put somewhere together at the cutting off point  - not after I had had to unpick them from the back of the last seam because I had not put them far enough away - and threads needed to be put in the bin (or something) straight away before I was covered in them.

I stopped what I was doing - it can't have been going very well or I wouldn't have been as easily distracted - cleared up, tidied away, folded and placed back fabric and then searched my favourite sites -, and which finally produced a pattern for a scrap bucket basket (

As I really needed a quick result - have I mentioned that I am not the most patient of sewists? - I decided to 'tweak' the pattern in my favour by cutting a single piece of fabric the size required for my basket with a lining piece and interfacing to butch up the sides.

I had a few 'open-mouthed, tongue sticky out' minutes trying to sew the round bottom but finally it was done. I then realised that I had sewn it on inside out.  By this time I was a little fractious, so after having counted to 10, I finished the basket and filled it with scraps.  

I have (just yesterday) seen a demonstration on making a quilt from triangles so my basket is in danger of losing weight - something I must also get around to doing.  However, that idea has been shelved for now as I have much bigger plans.  My sewing chair needs covering and I have just the pattern and somewhere the perfect material.  All I need now is a really wet weekend, hockey games (to get rid of the rest of the family), Bones Series 7 (third time of watching), coins for my swear tin.  Mmmmm what are my chances?  :0D

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