Friday, 3 October 2014


Well here it is.  You've heard me talk about it now on nearly every posting so I thought it was about time I introduced you to my machine.  It is a 1914 hand crank, Singer sewing machine with bullet shuttle and bobbins.

Anyhoo, it works brilliantly and has probably done more sewing in the last three years than it ever did! 

I have found accessories on Ebay which - although strictly speaking are for the electric version - fit mine, however I am not entirely happy with some of the results.  Most of the mistake are down to 'driver error' but it is very difficult sometimes trying to power it with one hand and steer and hold down fabric with the other.

I am getting there and the end results are getting better too.  Here it is in all its glory!  Isn't it gorgeous?!

 It belonged to my dad's sister, Minnie, and I inherited the machine when my Mum and dad helped them clear their house when they were leaving to move into The Vicarage, at Harworth.

I have the instruction manual somewhere in the loft - I  need to dig this out so I can  learn any tips on maintaining it.

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